When you’re a mom, you sometimes forget what it’s like to get male attention (husbands excluded—mine gives me more than I can handle). So when a strapping young fella reminds you that you are, in fact, still a woman and not just a mom—it’s kind of exciting.
I rode the metro to a downtown coffee shop to get some work done before a doctor’s appointment. This was the scene:
Me: (typing feverishly on my laptop)
Tie Guy: Hey, how’d you break that wrist? Bar fight?
Me: No, I broke it beating my children. (I wasn’t actually trying to shut him down but I realized afterward that I may as well have said ‘I have children and am not interested.’)
Tie Guy: (looks dejected)
It must have dawned on him that I said “kids” but not “husband” so he comes back to my table a few minutes later.
Tie Guy: So how was your Mother’s Day?
Me: It was good… nice family brunch.
Tie Guy: Where’d you go?
Me: Andrew’s Air Force Base. My husband works there.
Aaaaaannnnddd, that was the end of it.
Tie Guy: I hope your arm feels better. Have a good day.
Wasn’t that an exciting story?!
If this happens to you all the time, good for you; I don’t want to hear about it. But if you’re a mom who occasionally has an extra cheerio in her bra and a few pacis in her purse, can I get an amen?!
I try so hard to keep “the sexy.” I exercise, moisturize religiously, and refuse to buy a mini-van. Every day, I fight the strong motherhood urge to stop wearing makeup and buy one too many pairs of Clarks. And when someone like Tie Guy notices, it’s proof that what I’m doing is working! Either that or he was just bored waiting for his coffee. But I bet it’s the glow I have from my vegan cleanse. Those veggies really bring out your best, don’t they?
So go ahead, put on some mascara and eat a salad.
Need inspiration? Here you go:
HAHAHAHA wanted with a broken wrist! You are rocking it girl
Have you seen this purple cast?! Dead sexy.
Besa!!! Lol. You still got it;)