If someone told me a few weeks ago that I’d be driving 1,403 with two kids over a long weekend, I would have punched them in the face. Luckily for them, it was a game day decision.
My brother told us more than a year ago about his MBA graduation from Northwestern yet, in true delusional fashion, we kept telling ourselves we’d find flights for under $200 a pop. Wrong! So, after quick trip to the ER, we packed up the ol’ Prius and began our journey. Google said it was a 12 hour drive, so we figured that (with kids) meant 16.
Two Disney movies, three lattes, one Olive Garden, four rest stops and 13 hours (total) later, we arrived in Chicago. We spent a quick 6 hours in a sketchy hotel (Hotwire deal) and then headed over to meet the rest of the fam downtown.

“The rest” includes my parents, brother, sister-in-law and nephew– that’s nine of us, if you’re counting. It’s hard to do much with nine people– especially when three of them are munchkins. We hung out at our hotel a lot– the W Hotel, which was a hilarious choice for our party. We were the only people not wearing Feragamos (well, my brother was), sipping cocktails at 9am and rocking too much self-tanner. It was entertaining, though, and Zana certainly enjoyed the lobby.

All the kids enjoyed the fancy bathtubs:

And the rest of us enjoyed some quality time together. The graduation itself went on for longer than necessary. I somehow managed to cry three times during the ceremony. I always forget how sappy I am, but nobody else seems to– my dad just laughed. And that somehow made me feel better because, come on, who wants to talk about their emotions? Not me! But I do want to write about them, so here goes…
Besim, I am so very proud of you. I don’t think I told you that enough (or ever) while you were flying back and forth from Houston to Chicago every week for two years. It’s a big deal to get an MBA. An even bigger deal to get one from Kellogg School of Management. And an even bigger-est (sorry, I don’t have an MBA) deal to do that while maintaining a job and a healthy family. Hard work is inspiring, and yours has not gone unnoticed. I am so thankful that we could be there to celebrate you, and can’t wait to see what you do next.

So, MomInDCity readers, what kinds of things turn you into a sappy, weepy mess?
What made me cry??? Having my name called and bowing in front of Princess Anne when I got my MSc HRM from University of London. I was also a working mom, with a child who just started first grade and my pregnancy hormones causing a wreck during my last exams. Not to mention that I invested in my education as if I bought a new car!!!
BTW, congrats to Besim. I am sure his education will be recognised and appreciated.
I have chilled like Zana in that lobby before! Except I had a cocktail. But wasn’t 9 a.m.
Was it 9:30am?
Congrats to your brother and family!!! Such an amazing accomplishment and I can’t even imagine how he balanced it all with a beautiful family! Congrats to you and Dave on making the car ride to and from Chicago. I think when I did it with my parents my mom asked “are we there yet?” about 75 times and our arguements were not over Disney movies 🙂
Thanks, Courtney! MBA wives (and girlfriends/fiances) are like military wives and should be honored for their sacrifices. I’m pretty sure my brother’s wife was wishing she were an NBA wife instead of an MBA wife most of the past couple of years.
Congrats Besim. You are lucky to have such a wonderful family that loves and appreciates you.