Some of you will receive your annual holiday card from the Pinchottis soon. The extras arrived at our house yesterday and I was shocked and impressed with myself. This is no ordinary holiday card. This is bigger and better than any you’ve seen from us before. And when I say bigger, I mean BIGGER.
Before you start talking about me behind my back, consider this: there are many reasons why one’s card would be this big. You never know what that person is going through or how much sleep they had before purchasing.

Let me help you by presenting these reasons why my holiday card might be bigger than yours:
- Shutterfly increases your card size based on how cute your family photo is.
- We are trying our hardest to keep up with the Kardashians.
- I’m from Texas.
- I really wanted to make sure you got a good look at the pores on my nose.
- I’ve been to your house and you really need some new wall art.
- You said you miss me and I want you to feel like I’m always with you.
- Go big or go home.
- I thought, when you add a family member, you add 10 inches to your card size.
Leave it up to Shutterfly to make their standard card a 6×8. I knew 30 was the new 20 but I didn’t realize “life-sized” was the new “standard.” I did wonder why each one cost $24.75. Don’t say I never bought you anything. If you haven’t received your card yet, it may be because it didn’t fit in your mailbox. You should really buy a bigger one because this is only the beginning. Just wait until next year when the Pinchotti doll collection comes out.
And while I’m over here acting like Kanye, I’m going to take this opportunity to share a few more of our family photos taken by the fabulous Gabrielle Zoey: