Earlier this week, I was looking for things to help fill the rest of our time at Bethany Beach. I shared my top 10 beach ideas list and received some great suggestions from MomInDCity readers. But the most entertaining one came from Dave; he decided it was time that we all channel our inner Tiger Woods (minus the cheating and inappropriate texts) and go play mini golf.
Things started out pretty well… Dave coaching on the Practice Green and the girls getting their game faces on.

We made it through the first few holes without much drama, but there was a family in front of us, which means we had some down time before each turn. That gave the girls time to realize that a putt-putt course is like a playground on steroids. We could barely find them after the fifth hole– especially the 2-year-old.

Our most effective threat, “do you want to go sit with the lifeguard?”, which usually sends chills down her spine, did nothing. During those few times that we managed to keep her on the course, she’d sit in the middle of the green.

When we’d ignore her, she’d find something else she wasn’t supposed to touch.

Despite my pleas, Dave was determined to finish the course. We somehow managed not to get kicked out, which probably had something to do with the fact that we were the only people there who weren’t drunk. I obviously beat Dave, (this may or may not be true, but it’s my blog so I get to say whatever I want), and Lira perfected her swing. Also, those golf clubs are weapons, and nobody got hurt; I call that a success right there.

I hear there’s currently a mini golf course at the National Building Museum in DC. Dare we try again?