When you’re a mom, you sometimes forget what it’s like to get male attention (husbands excluded—mine gives me more than I can handle). So when a strapping young fella reminds you that you are, in fact, still a woman and not just a mom—it’s kind of exciting.
I rode the metro to a downtown coffee shop to get some work done before a doctor’s appointment. This was the scene:
Me: (typing feverishly on my laptop)
Tie Guy: Hey, how’d you break that wrist? Bar fight?
Me: No, I broke it beating my children. (I wasn’t actually trying to shut him down but I realized afterward that I may as well have said ‘I have children and am not interested.’)
Tie Guy: (looks dejected)
It must have dawned on him that I said “kids” but not “husband” so he comes back to my table a few minutes later.
Tie Guy: So how was your Mother’s Day?
Me: It was good… nice family brunch.
Tie Guy: Where’d you go?
Me: Andrew’s Air Force Base. My husband works there.
Aaaaaannnnddd, that was the end of it.
Tie Guy: I hope your arm feels better. Have a good day.
Wasn’t that an exciting story?!
If this happens to you all the time, good for you; I don’t want to hear about it. But if you’re a mom who occasionally has an extra cheerio in her bra and a few pacis in her purse, can I get an amen?! [Read more…]