“Get off of me with those Nutella hands!”
“It’s snowing, you can’t wear a swimsuit!”
“If you don’t sit both of your butt cheeks on that chair, no dessert!”
I have heard myself saying all of the above this weekend. Meanwhile, every time I’m on Twitter, Instagram or any of my other favorite time-wasting apps I’m bombarded with messages like this one…

Besides my bossy self, I live with two bossy girls. There, I said it. But it’s true! They march around the house barking orders at each other, at Dave, and at me. And if anyone else is near, they’ll boss them around too. Lira got bossy with all of us, including her Nana, the other day and then actually growled at her. At her own Nana!

If she doesn’t “get it together” like the note says, we’re going to have ourselves a regular Anna Wintour around here—only this little devil will be wearing Gymboree instead of Prada.
According to the Ban Bossy website, “When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a “leader.” Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded bossy.”
Is that true? Am I the only one who also uses the word “bossy” to describe those of the opposite sex? I’m an equal opportunity bossy-caller. In fact, I call my husband that all the time.
Me: Why are you so bossy?
Him: Because I’m the boss.
Me: *eye roll*
The Girls: No you’re not the boss, Daddy!
Then, he asks them who the boss is, and they say ‘both of you.’
I wish I could get on board with Beyoncé (and Michelle Obama and Sheryl Sandberg) with this one. She usually steers me in the right direction…
She taught me …
…that not everyone would be ready for this jelly
… that if he liked it then he should have put a ring on it.
… and that if I ever need to kick anyone out I should put everything they own in the box to the left.
So I want to #BanBossy for Bey… but no.
What am I supposed to say when people are being bossy?
“Way to be a leader!”??
Maybe it’s because I’m fortunate to have some very outspoken girls. Or maybe I just don’t like being told what to do. But either way, I’m not doing it.
So to quote one of my favorite tweets on the issue…
“Technically, telling anyone to ban a word is bossy.”