I don’t think I’ve ever shown Zana the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” but today is making me wonder.
You’ve seen that movie, right? If not, stop reading this and go Netfix it now. It rules. Ferris fakes being sick and has every high schooler’s dream day.
I think Zana is channeling her inner Ferris. She has a 103 fever, so I’m at home with her.
Now, I realize that you can’t really fake that (can you???), but the way she’s acting is pretty weird.

After a rough night with her in the bed moaning and kicking me, Zana woke up well rested and exclaimed “I’m sick, so I don’t have to go to school today or brush my hair!” (Brushing her hair is the bane of her existence. We may have to shave her head.)
I took her temp just to be sure; yep, still high.
And so it began… a day of snuggling, cartoons, mac and cheese, and bubble baths.
She’s been a perfect, smiling angel today. But who wouldn’t be while doing everything their heart desires?

I spent some time Googling to determine if this “illness” warrants a trip to the doctor. As a working mom, I tend to err on the side of a doctors visit. The sooner she’s feeling better, the sooner I can get back to the office. But I also don’t want to expose her to every yucky thing in the doctors waiting room.
My favorite finding in my internet research today was when I searched “fever hungry”– because she’s been eating a ton. Results included “Hunger Games Fever” (which she obviously has) and a lot of links to articles about bodybuilders getting fevers when they’re hungry. I had no idea! Maybe she’s a bodybuilder?! But it’s probably just a virus…
I’d love to hear if any of your kiddos have had “sick” days like these.
Anyone? … Anyone? … Bueller? … Bueller?