I have decided that it’s time to lose those last 10 pounds.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been proud of my curves. In high school, when my nickname was “triple B” for “big bootie Besa,” I answered to it with pride. In college, when my pants split down the middle while I was shakin’ it at a club, I shrugged and moved on.

The pounds have been creeping on for a while. A little muffin top here, a little can’t-button-my-jeans there. But I hadn’t really thought about it much until I caught a rear-view glimpse of myself in a dressing room mirror. Game over– it was time to do something. On a side note, what’s up with the lighting in those dressing rooms? I thought they were trying to sell clothes in there, not rip self-esteems to shreds.
I won’t bore you (much) with the details, but I feel that a public declaration is in order. I’m counting on my MomInDCity readers to hold me accountable, ‘kay? Can you do that for me?

The plan started Monday (this is day 5), and so far so good.
I’m doing it old school and counting calories. There’s an app called MyFitnessPal, which is apparently cool because my college intern told me everybody‘s using it. And that includes my mom (really!), so it must be true. I’m also tracking my exercise, which is good for damage control– ate some gelato? go run 3 miles.
I generally enjoy healthy food, but I’ve also never met a cupcake I didn’t like. So this will be a challenge.

Anyone else on a weight-loss mission? I’d love to hear about it.
P.S.- You might be thinking “you don’t look fat in any of these pictures.” And you’re right. Because 1) I delete all non-flattering pictures of myself and 2) it’s all in my a$$.
Let’s go dance our booties off together! I’m sure there’s a ghetto club we can find in Baltimore 😉 Seriously, good luck, Babe! I’m detoxing right now- no alcohol, and decreasing my intake of processed foods. Also, Crossfitting several times a week, while training for a half marathon- so yeah, I’m in this wit cha! Love you!
You are way too hard core for me (except for the bootie shaking– that I can handle). I saw those pictures of you rolling in the mud, under barbed wire and who knows what else. Crazy! Thanks for inviting me to your Dirty Moms Facebook group too. Maybe some of the enthusiasm will rub off on me.
Puhleeeeeease girl! (Do I really need to emphasize with that many “e’s?” Why yes, yes I do! You can take it! Besides it’s FUN! Looks like I’m not the only one here gently nudging you into the oblivion known as racing! I think you should heed the sign…
I LOVE THIS BLOG FOR SO MANY REASONS. haha! Girl, we all on the Pinchotti/Babcanec side read you loud and clear. haha!
Ha! At least nobody ever called you BBB (big bootie Babcanec)! Or did they… hehe
Yeah I just ate McDonald’s.
I don’t want to hear about it. Especially not the fries…keep that to yourself.
Running half marathon on Sept 15, Color Run 5k the week before. Doing Elliptical, insanity, plus training runs! Come do the Woodrow Wilson half with me in October or train for Nike women’s half in march.
Half? Half a mile maybe. Those sound so serious! I really wanted to do the Color Run but it was sold out by the time I heard about it.
And now you’re doing insanity? Sigh… we should hang out more often.
I’m doing that last 10 pounds thing too! I lost it last summer, then quickly put it all back on! Good luck!
I lost one pound the first week, which is my weekly goal. But why do I still feel disappointed??? Probably because I keep saying no to cupcakes and feel like my reward should be bigger. Keep me posted on how it’s going, Jess!
i keep wondering why i don’t lose weight, then i think back on the 2 beers or the 2 glasses of wine i had the night before! i’ll keep you posted!
I used MyFitnessPal for 2 weeks to track calories. It was great. Then I got lazy :(. And then ate more b/c I didn’t have to track calories. Lost 2 lbs, then gained like 5 lbs. Oh well! You look fab! You should be lucky to have a skinny face and body and just an awesome badonkadonk. And I totally agree that lighting in dressing rooms is horrendous and it’s totally counter-intuitive to their business. Good luck losing that 10!! I’m trying to lose 8 (now 11 lbs) by Dec.
Lose 2 gain 5 is generally how I roll. But I’m on a mission! Let me know if you get back on MyFitnessPal and we can be “fitness friends!”
I’ll look for ya! I’m lisacng. I may start again next week after vacation haze wears off.