Big day at our house today Zana’s first day of school!
Lira started last week, with some waterworks–

But she has since adjusted to life as a Kindergartner.

I had high hopes for Zana this morning, especially with all the smiles before we left the house.

We drove to school, chatting and singing the whole way. I even missed the exit because we were having so much fun. When we arrived, Zana happily grabbed her backpack and lunch box and walked inside. She shook her teachers hand, introduced herself and even smiled. Things were going great!
It’s a Montessori school so parents don’t walk into the classroom; instead we say goodbye in the hallway. The classroom is “their space.” I gave a quick hug and a kiss goodbye, and the sobbing began. The teacher quickly whisked her off into the classroom and I walked the other way. She never looked back. I did, and took this picture:
By the time I reached the stop sign, my lower lip was trembling. When I got back onto the freeway, the tears flowed freely. What was I crying about? She would be fine. We just went through this adjustment for summer camp, and it only lasted two days. I never cried like this when Lira started school or camp. Is it because Zana the youngest? Because she’s my baby?
I got some great (mostly sarcastic) advice from people I care about.
Dave: Maybe it’s a sign you should stay home with her. And have dinner waiting for me on the table every night when I get home.
Chase: You’re crying with Zana but didn’t with Lira because you’ve always liked Zana more.
Mom: She’ll do great. Remember your chart!
I had a hard time concentrating all day. Thought about going to check on her at lunch. Thought about calling the school. Thought about picking her up early. Somehow, I made it through the day.
When I got to the school for pick-up, Zana was on the playground. She ran to me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. Her teachers told me she stopped crying a minute after I left. She played, ate all of her lunch, sat on the potty, and even napped. To top it all off, Zana wasn’t ready to come home. She actually ran away from me and told me she wanted to stay and play. Go figure…
She went to sleep feeling like the big girl that she is. So proud of herself. But not as proud as I am.
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Aw, first day of school! I would cry too. And it’s a reason we moms can pinpoint. It just is. Interesting rule at the Montessori school. Guess it teaches them independence! And teaches us to let go. Glad she and you both made it through the 1st day and hope the next are even better!
New follower here from Bloggie Moms! I look forward to looking around more!
I’ve had a couple who were so so upset on that first day of school too. It’s so hard for a mama’s heart. But my goodness are your girls adorable!
nancy-of the crazy 9