We’re almost a month into the school year now and time is definitely not flying. It doesn’t help that “I don’t waaaannnaaaagotaschoooool” replaces “good morning” most days.
There’s crying while I force Zana into her uniform, crying while we decide whether we’re walking or biking, and then extreme sobbing that can be heard across the school when I leave her in her classroom.
Sweet moments like this one are rare, but give me hope that one day those eyes will be dry.

Despite what I’ve witnessed, Zana’s teacher says she’s having a fantastic year. She sends photos and stories throughout the day that paint an entirely different picture of our little Debbie Downer.

When they were coming up with their list class expectations, the teacher sent a list of each child’s suggestions to the parents:
“no spitting”
“no hitting”
“no biting”
“no kicking”
“no showing your butt to your friends”– Zana
Family values, ladies and gentlemen. That’s what we’re all about. No showing your butt to your friends. It’s something Dave and I remind each other of on a daily basis because, let’s be honest, you’ll probably want to at some point during the day.
Luckily, the other kids parents still smile at us in the morning… or maybe they’re smirking. Anyway, I’ll take it. I know they’re just jealous of how well our daughter can articulate all that’s important in life in one short sentence… about butts.
So when I got today’s email, with the subject line “what did you do when you weren’t at school?” I held my breath for the replies.
“played at home”
“ate ice cream”
“slept so much” (clearly not Zana)
“played hopscotch”
“went to a museum, saw the Monet paintings” – Zana
Zana’s Parents 1
All You Other Moms and Dads 0
And so what if Zana didn’t really go to a museum this weekend. So what if she went to a mildly sketchy nail salon on H street for a blue manicure instead.

According to that email, Zana’s parents are some classy people. We don’t show our butts to anyone… not even our friends.