As I was catching up on email this morning, something caught my eye– several emails on the elementary school list serve discussing school uniforms.
Let’s start with my overall stance on school uniforms. Here it is: who cares?!
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get into the email. Lira goes to a DC Public Elementary School, where school uniforms are mandated by the District. Apparently, there was a survey earlier in the year (which I ignored) asking parents at her school how they felt about adding extra color options for the uniform shirts. Right now they’re white; the survey asked parents if they’d like the option of dressing their kids in navy or light blue as well. Now parents are asking about the results of the survey.

This is clearly an important issue because… well, because… yeahhhhh. Why are we even talking about this???
Is the issue up for a vote? Nope.
Will the results of this survey change things once way or another? Nope.
The only people I can think of who actually should care about any of this are Wal-Mart and Target, so they can stock up.
But as usual, my gauge of what’s important to parents on the Hill is way off. Apparently, there are some very strong opinions on both sides of this issue. [Read more…]