My name is Besa and I’m a slacker. There. I said it. Now I can stop beating myself up about not visiting my own blog for more than a week. Moving on now, here’s what’s been up:
With the start of school comes the start of sickness at our house. Yours too? Our exciting kick-off to sick season began with strep throat this week. First Lira, then Zana. My attempts to keep the sisters apart while Lira had it were pointless; strep spreads like woah, and there’s no stopping it. It’s awful… especially if your kids get the pukey kind (and mine always do).

We are several days into our antibiotic regimens, and everything is improving. They’re both still coughing, but not enough to keep them (or us) awake. The worst thing right now is getting them to take their medicine. Picture this: me holding Zana’s legs down with my leg, her arms down with one hand and forcing the syringe into her mouth with the other. Twice a day. It’s awesome.
As you all know, we had a rough start. But I’m happy to report that both girls are (generally) happy to go to school in the morning. Lira actually enjoys doing her homework– although, since she’s my daughter, that will surely change in the coming years. Zana is really taking to the Montessori classroom. She likes doing the “work” (which is what they call all of the educational stuff)– because she feels like she’s doing the same thing as me all day. Work, work, work! And we both love our time in the car to and from school. Here’s a conversation we had today:

Z: Why are you going to work?
Me: To make money.
Z: Why?
Me: So we can live in our house, and buy things we need.
Z: And go to Disneyworld?
Me: Yes, that too.
We talk about all the important stuff. I’ll let you know when we solve world hunger.
Skinny Jeans
First of all, thank you all for reading Triple B and those Last 10 Pounds. That blog post broke the MomInDCity record for most reads and most comments. Nothing like food and fat to get y’all excited! I’m happy to report that I am halfway to my goal of losing those 10 pounds!
There has been lots of exercise involved. Mainly morning runs around the Capitol Building, but also stuff like hiking. Sugarloaf Mountain is ideal for non-hikers because it’s not super high.

The “diet” hasn’t been bad either. I’ve discovered that if I exercise every day, I burn enough calories to eat what I want (for the most part). The best part about all of this is that my clothes are starting to fit again. Haven’t popped a button in at least a month. I had a bag of jeans (mainly skinnies) that I put in an unreachable part of my closet after a horrible cycle that I couldn’t break. It went like this: try on jeans, attempt (unsuccessfully) to button them, get sad that I couldn’t, drown my sorrows in cupcakes. It was a bad scene. I took the bag down this week and am excited to say that I am wearing my skinny jeans again! No, they don’t look as good as they once did. But they button, and that’s what counts, right? Also, my muffin top is more of a mini-muffin. That’s hot, right?
Who knew 5 pounds could do all that?! Oh, and if you scroll down to the lower left hand side of the MomInDCity website you can see my “pounds lost” tracker from MyFitnessPal. Join me! I could use the motivation.
What’s new in your world? Any big weekend plans?